Monday, January 11, 2010

Personalized Baby Shower Candle Gifts

Looking for a fun and unique gift to make for a baby shower? Personalized candle making may be something you should to consider. There are lots of ways to make personalized candles, depending on the time and money you are willing to spend. With a little time and effort, you can come up with a beautiful personalized candle out of an otherwise simple and ordinary candle gift set that the lucky mother to be will love.

1. The easiest way to make a personalized candle is purchase a normal candle at your local department or candle store. Even general retail stores such as Wal-Mart always have candles for you to purchase. Candles come in all sizes, shapes and scents, but any candle can be personalized.

2. Anything smaller than a tea light will be very hard to personalize. For tea light candles, you can usually purchase a large bag for a low price. These candles are excellent as favors for baby showers. The least hardest way to personalize them is to use either a photographic program on your pc or Mac or a word processor. We' will stick with the Word processor since it is the simplest. First, draw a round circle that is the same size as the lid on the tea light, or you can use a circular label sheet. Then select the font you would like to use, like cursive script or Corsica. You can enter the names and date of the event into the circle you have created. Print out a test sample on regular paper to be sure the look and size is correct. As soon as you have the desired result, you can print out your tea light label stickers. Then when satisfied you can apply the sticker onto the top of the candle tea light.

3. For scented jar candles, you can make a personalized label shaped as a square. Since you have increased area to work with, you can then download free graphics or pictures from the Internet. Search the World Wide Web for "free clip art" and download the graphics you want. Test again by printing out a sample on regular paper and then print the label. If you do not have a color printer, you can go to a local copy shop like Wal-Mart or Office Depot and they can make beautiful labels for you. Stick the label on the jar. Now you have created a special unique gift personalized just for the mother to be.

4. For tall pillar candles, you can have those engraved at an engraving shop (look on the internet or the white pages for engraving) or purchase an inexpensive engraver for yourself. The artwork and text should come in different colors. If you are very artistic, you can even buy candle-engraving kits on the web (internet) and do it yourself.

5. What about those 1oz votive candles? For a great looking gift, get cellophane bags and different colored ribbon (try to get the colors of the baby shower theme). Wrap the candle in the cellophane bag and tie it up with the ribbons. Then add personalized tag to the ribbon. These candles can also be engraved.

6. If you can make candles or have a make your own candle kit, then there the possibilities are limitless. You can use all kinds of fragrances oils to make scented candles. You can apply embeds for decoration. Cookie cutters and molds are very useful for designing the perfect shape.

As a final note, you can take a simple store candle and make it a very special unique gift with just a small amount of time and effort. Your mother to be will cherish these candle gifts for years to come.

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